Test of Thinking and Worry


Thinking and worried about the change of test 

Instead of solving the problems, the mood of the society as a whole is causing it to deteriorate more than before. We have become accustomed to thinking negatively, ignoring the good aspects of our surroundings. That is, our view of things or the environment has become less positive and more negative.

People think that we as a state, government, society have failed in every aspect or as a state we have turned into a failed state. If you go to any private or political and social, intellectual and intellectual gathering, the statement that we have destroyed everything seems to prevail. Interestingly, the cry of this catastrophe is mostly found in the educated people of the society which is a great moment of reflection.

Basically, no society is free or free from problems. Every society has different kinds of problems. The nature of these problems is somewhat severe or somewhat reduced. But despite this, every society faces different problems and difficulties. The intellectual responsibility of a good and responsible nation lies in better awareness of these issues, grasp of the analytical aspect of the issues, better ability to deal with them and effective strategy or implementation system to deal with these issues.

Because the knowledge of society leads to the solution of problems or from darkness to light. Instead of trying to recover, we wallow in our sadness and thus, experience more failure. Because the first and foremost priority is to present ourselves, individually or collectively, as the key to "solving problems" and not to become part of the game of creating problems or spoiling ourselves.

The overall mood of the media also reinforces the game of frustration. There is a general perception among the media that it has to strengthen its work on the basis of crises. That's why our talk shows have two kinds of problems. First, the media has become too politicized. In a plethora of political programs or other programs too, the negative game in the politics of style or rating is on the rise and the positive or constructive process lags far behind. Politicians who appear in the media are also involved in two types of issues. One is the ruling class and the other is the opposition or their supporters. The ruling class paints a picture based on truth or falsehood that everything is good. The opposition, on the other hand, sees everything as a failure.

This is the habit of mourning or frustration all around the society or the habit of beating or cursing oneself. Can this be the solution to our problems? Because this act of frustration or failure pushes us backwards instead of forwards. Interestingly, the same thinking is being passed on to young people who really want to do something in society. These young people are encouraged that this society is full of failures and nothing can happen here.

Instead of giving hope, especially in young people, the teacher in educational institutions creates frustration in them and prevents them from moving forward. Similarly, there is a crisis that we want an immediate solution to the problems, that is, we want to solve the centuries-old system by clicking, which is certainly not possible. Apparently, we are being encouraged to take shortcuts rather than long-term planning or long-term thinking or thinking to move forward.

There are innumerable heroes in this society who do not seem to be very big and many people do not know them. But the real heroes in these societies have not only earned their name at their own level but have also served or are serving the society. Why do we avoid portraying these real heroes in society as a great model? However, these people have achieved a prominent position after great difficulties, hard and difficult stages and hardships. But these people are hidden from our media. I sometimes think that the people who write and speak in our country or the intelligentsia should definitely meet the heroes at the local level so that there is less frustration in them and they are convinced that we as a society as individuals or They are also doing very well at the collective level.

No society is completely dark. While there are some drawbacks, there are also some good ones. But we seem to be losing the sensitivity to test or understand success. This is the reason why as a society they are very stingy in summarizing or celebrating the achievements around them. This attitude creates frustration in the society as a whole and its practical result is in the form of frustration, stress or mood, detachment, anger or negative activities including uncertainty in people. There must be criticism. But it must be based on reform, reform and construction.

We have to stand up for ourselves in the current situation and events that society is going through and we have to stand up for others by facing the situation. Whether it is the state or the government, they have to keep an eye on their affairs and increase the pressure. We as a nation have to present ourselves as an important ambassador for our country on every front. Criticism of society as well as highlighting its good and positive aspects falls under our responsibility.

The new generation is our hope and light and it has a great power of social media, it should make its strength and play its role in the process of positive reconstruction. To counter those who are constantly playing the game of despair, we need to strengthen a positive and alternative statement that we are better than many and can be even better. Only our new generation can deal with the negative game court on social media. But for this, the individuals or institutions that create or form public opinion, including state and government institutions, can pave the way for a secure Pakistan with the help of creating a positive Pakistan.


Test of Thinking and Worry Test of Thinking and Worry Reviewed by Farhan on 1:46 AM Rating: 5

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