Scholars believe that the problem of our country is financial corruption, while the real problem of Pakistan is moral bankruptcy, the extreme of which we may have crossed. The moral values of the society are of utmost importance for the stability of any country and nation.
Morality is the foundation of a society in which the secret of prosperity and well-being of countries and nations lies. If the foundation is right then the society will be good and prosperity and welfare will be given to this society. On the contrary, when moral values are weakened, society will deteriorate and blessings such as prosperity and well-being will go far away from this country and nation.
When we look around us, society as a whole is in turmoil. Lying, dishonesty, breach of promise, looting, murder, linguistics, bigotry, sectarianism, etc. are all vices that are running like blood in the veins of this society and these causes have become a menace to the society. Because of them, the plight of our country and society is before our eyes.
This is the bitter truth that we as a nation are aware of but are not prepared to pay attention to. In order to improve society, it is first necessary to understand society so that the patient's disease can be diagnosed and the effect of the medicine can be improved.
The gathering of individuals is considered a society, in other words, people living together anywhere form a society whose unit is the individual. Individuals form a society together, if the basic unit is bad then the society will also be bad. Therefore, we have to pay special attention to the basic unit, ie education and training of the individual and reform. Everyone in our country is aware that society is not good, but he has never felt the need to worry about how important his individual and collective role is in this deterioration. If the society is deteriorating, then the individual is not at all free from it. For the betterment of the society, it is very important for us as a nation to develop this thinking. This thinking will play a key role in the betterment of the society, God willing.
For the betterment of the society, it is also necessary to be aware of the social rules and issues mentioned in the light of Islam. Social rules and issues have been mentioned in various places in the Qur'an and Hadith. There are some very important social rules mentioned in Surah Al-Hujurat in the Holy Qur'an. For this reason, this Surah is of special importance. These rules are explained in brief below.
Believe in a news without research and take action:
It is an ugly act to believe any news without even bothering to research it and to start practical action. Often it turns out that the news was false and wrong, but at the moment the arrow is out of the bow and there is remorse, it is better to thoroughly investigate any news before spreading it like wildfire. , Especially in today's age of social media when everything goes viral. Recent examples of this include the video of the grave of the late Amanullah, speculations about the death of the late Kulsoom Nawaz, avoid speculation about the cult of the people, including the murder of Mashal Khan, the murder of two brothers in Sialkot, a few important There are examples.
Help resolve conflicts:
Disagreements between people living in a society are a natural process, in this situation, instead of being just a spectator, it is an important social responsibility to end the differences by making peace with impartiality and justice. If one side oppresses the other, it is very important to support the oppressed.
Making fun of someone:
This is a very vile social act with which it is strictly forbidden, Islam has taken great care of everyone's self-esteem. Any action that injures a person's self-esteem is forbidden. Allah Almighty has commanded men and women to avoid this act by addressing them separately, which may indicate the dislike of this act. This disease has become a cancer for our society, the lack of a human being is made the identity of that human being.
Sneering is an ugly act, in our society it is a favorite pastime to harass our ancestors and family by taunting them for years, and we are not only proud of it but also the people of the society. Escape from it.
Calling it bad:
Calling and remembering any human being with a bad title is tantamount to playing with each other's self-esteem, this act also violates the sanctity of the relationship of honor and respect which is very important for the society. It is against the teachings of Islam to give titles to others on the basis of their physical or mental inferiority.
Negative thoughts and suspicions about human beings:
Human thinking plays a very important role in its actions and deeds. In every matter, man first thinks through his intellect and then decides from the heart and finally puts it into practice through his limbs and joints. Therefore, it is very important for human thinking to be positive, so whatever you decide in your life and whatever practical steps you take, always keep your thinking positive. Because a decision based on negative thinking is more likely to have negative consequences. So avoid negative thinking and suspicion.
Spying and spying on each other:
Avoid looking for each other's weaknesses and evils, it hurts mutual trust, keep an eye on your weaknesses and evils Think about fixing them.
To describe the evil behind the back of another Muslim is called backbiting. Islam strictly forbids this. In the same Surah of the Holy Qur'an, the Almighty has likened this act to eating the flesh of another dead Muslim. The Holy Prophet has declared it a sin worse than adultery. Unfortunately, this disease has become so common among the people of our society that its evil has now disappeared from the hearts. This is a great moment of reflection, so it is very important to create the evil in the heart of this ugly act and avoid it.
This is a very important social principle which is stated at the end of this surah and it is also a simple recipe to avoid the social evils mentioned earlier. In fact, when a person backbites, slanders and blasphemes, makes fun of others and remembers them with bad titles, one of the main reasons is that he considers himself better than others. After describing all the social evils, equality has been taught in the end that all human beings are the offspring of Adam and Eve, no one has superiority over another due to color, race, nationality Not available There is only one standard of virtue and superiority and that is taqwa, that is, the fear of the Almighty.
All these important social commands have been stated by Allah Almighty for His servants in this Surah in the Holy Qur'an. One of the great evils of our society today is discord and strife. Hate, differences and fights are common among people connected by any means and relationship, be it marital relationship, kinship relationship, employer-employee relationship, business relationship, etc., in all these relationships. Disagreements and fights between the people involved are frequent and that is why sooner or later these relationships end and even if they remain, the element of love and affection is still missing.
If we look at the causes and reasons behind it behind the scenes, we will see that the main and key role behind all this is to turn away from these social norms. Therefore, if we want to reform the society, to end the differences and fights with the society and to see peace, love, tranquility and contentment in it,then we have to adopt these social rules mentioned in the Qur'an and Hadith, and then That is the responsibility of every individual in the society. Because a society is made up of individuals, if we all start implementing the commandments regarding social and moral values, then a real welfare society will be formed.
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